Friday, April 18, 2014


With Easter just around the corner many friends exchange chocolates and anything to do with rabbits. And anyone who is not a closet crafter, will know the panic-ey feeling of all of his or her friends expecting a home made gift. Depending on when you start your gifts perhaps it’s not all that stressfull, but then there are birthdays, Christmas, Valentine’s day, Saint Patrick’s day, Easter, and then you got the end of the school year and it doesn’t end! And for those who procrastinate? It’s torture. Here is a simple solution to say when you give your friends a plush bunny that you picked up for a buck, “I only make gifts for (insert holiday)” and when it comes around to the holiday you ‘specialize’ in make everyone gifts and I do mean EVERYONE. You don’t want someone to feel left out on the one day of the year every one else gets your handmade treasures. Happy Good Friday!

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